Sensitivity thresholds to marital violence. A case study in Buenos Aires at the beginning of the twentieth century

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María Bjerg


Building on an extensive historiographical tradition that has been concerned with the senses, sensibilities and emotions, this paper explores a criminal court case involving a man who, at the dawn of the twentieth century, killed his wife in a house in downtown Buenos Aires and was sentenced to the death penalty. The aim is to uncover the subjective sensibility and the social thresholds of tolerance to conjugal violence expressed by a diverse array of actors that includes the perpetrator, his relatives, and acquaintances, but also the police, the official counsel, the prosecutor, the lower court judge, and the magistrates of the Court of Appeals. This was a usual crime that received an exceptional punishment, but still in its uniqueness it allows us to glimpse into the senses (understood as sensation, meaning and feeling) of violence.


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Bjerg, M. (2023). Sensitivity thresholds to marital violence. A case study in Buenos Aires at the beginning of the twentieth century. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (58), e191.
Dosier: Sentidos, derecho y ley: avances y perspectivas sobre los estudios sensorial-legales en Occidente (siglos XVI-XIX)


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