Senses and law: An introduction to a budding field of research

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Gisela Coronado Schwindt
María Agustina Vaccaroni


This dossier brings together works that address the complex plot between senses, law and justice. With pre-eminence in the treatment of particular cases, it illuminates, from the prism offered by the judicial files, the intersections in which the meanings of the sensible are configured, negotiated and reconfigured. The body and its senses played an important role in different juridical-legal contexts. As a result, significant contributions are presented here to a budding field dedicated to sensory-legal studies that invites us to rethink the relationship between bodies-senses-law over time.


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Coronado Schwindt, G., & Vaccaroni, M. A. (2023). Senses and law: An introduction to a budding field of research. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (58), e189.
Dosier: Sentidos, derecho y ley: avances y perspectivas sobre los estudios sensorial-legales en Occidente (siglos XVI-XIX)


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