Nationalism, armed insurrection, anti-semitism: blossomings of the right in the postperonist ecosystem

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Carolina Cerrano
Héctor Ghiretti


The application of the left-right categorical tandem to the political universe possesses as such, a number of demands and conditions that are frequently overlooked. These demands and conditions are a product of the main analogy of these concepts: the corporal spatial distinctions. But in addition, it is important to note that in the dynamics of the political concepts from the self-understanding (Voegelin) of the political actors to their formalization -suitable for the theoretical analysis- the left and the right walk through very different roads. This situation explains the usual resistance of the political agents of the right to be classified under that category, and also the instability/uncertainty of that label, particularly when compared with its opponent, the left. In our country, left and right as political identities possess a late emergence, enclosed to processes and political actors substantially diverse to those that in the European continent gave birth to them. A local particularity is that they do not appear as categories of the internal features of deliberative organs, but apart from them. Our hypothesis is that in Argentina, the closest configuration of a model of left and right took place as a differentiation of the diverse internal lines of the Peronism, after the end of its classical period (1946-1955).


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Cerrano, C., & Ghiretti, H. (2018). Nationalism, armed insurrection, anti-semitism: blossomings of the right in the postperonist ecosystem. Trabajos Y Comunicaciones, (47), e054.
Nationalism, armed insurrection, anti-semitism: blossomings of the right in the postperonist ecosystem


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